It will be the #1 trait that consistently drives your career.
Influence definition: The act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. (Merriam - Webster)
At Succession, we believe the best board members, investors, and executives in the world can influence a solution that builds consensus and drives execution to profitability.
Influence gets a bad wrap, but it's like your ego...You have to have it, but you can't wear it on your sleeve.

How Do I Influence?
You have to become an "analytical storyteller"...if I asked you the multiple value on a $100MM SAAS business...and you immediately said it was 14X EBITDA...You were right!
However, here is your competition:
Ahmad Popalyar: "I love that SAAS deal, but I like it at a 9.5X multiple vs. a 14X multiple due to government concentration exposure and macro trends. I could get to 10X on the EBITDA multiple if you brought in a CFO who could drive organic growth and helped us acquire $40MM in M&A."
Who would I hire?
I would hire your competition because she influenced me and saved me $$$.
Improve your influence and watch your career soar.

About Succession Media
Succession Media is a virtual experience for job seekers, businesses, and professionals. We are a one of a kind digital platform providing virtual interview coaching to talent, counsel for companies looking to revamp staff experience while providing premiere succession executive searches for investment professionals and executives across portfolio companies.
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It will be the #1 trait that consistently drives your career.
Influence definition: The act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. (Merriam - Webster)
At Succession, we believe the best board members, investors, and executives in the world can influence a solution that builds consensus and drives execution to profitability.
Influence gets a bad wrap, but it's like your ego...You have to have it, but you can't wear it on your sleeve.

How Do I Influence?
You have to become an "analytical storyteller"...if I asked you the multiple value on a $100MM SAAS business...and you immediately said it was 14X EBITDA...You were right!
However, here is your competition:
Ahmad Popalyar: "I love that SAAS deal, but I like it at a 9.5X multiple vs. a 14X multiple due to government concentration exposure and macro trends. I could get to 10X on the EBITDA multiple if you brought in a CFO who could drive organic growth and helped us acquire $40MM in M&A."
Who Would I Hire?
I would hire your competition because she influenced me and saved me $$$.
Improve your influence and watch your career soar.